2017年9月28日 星期四

week 3. structural programming

Global variables v.s. local variables
subroutine calls

  use subroutine call to perform 10 x 10 element-drawing.

2017年9月21日 星期四

week 2. statement and structure

1. ACG at MIT Media Lab.
Aesthetic and computation Concept video

2. for-loop

FORM+CODE examples

Ex: Draw 10x10 basic elements with some repetition

2017年9月14日 星期四

week 1. introduction

Aesthetic Computing: A Brief Tutorial
An Introduction to Aesthetic Computing by Paul Fishwick
conceptual art

computational aesthetics ?


Wassily Kandinsky
Victor Vasarely
Sol Lewitt

code artists:
Ben Laposky, 1914-2000

John Whitney Sr., 1918-1995

Herbert W. Franke, 1927-

Lillian Schwartz, 1927-

Harold Cohen, 1928-

Roman Verostko, 1929-

George Legrady, 1950-

Mark Napier, 1961-

John F. Simon Jr., 1963-

John Maeda, 1966-

Mary Flanagan, 1969-

Casey Reas, 1970-

Jared Tarbell, 1973-

Ben Fry, 1975-

Take photos of Computational Aesthetics in everyday life.